Been a while since I entered a game jam, decided I might as well give it a shot. The goal is pretty much to just survive as long as you can, see how many enemies you're able to defeat. 


  • WASD to move. 
  • Hold Left Click to attack.
  • Press Right Click to roll.

You are immune to damage while rolling, so it can be used to dodge attacks. Rolling also changes the number you are displaying, thus changing the weapon you are using.

Right after I decided to make a game for this jam, my laptop decided to be a nightmare and stop working properly. Spent around a day trying to get it to work, but eventually managed it. Figured I might as well try to make something for this jam, even if it might not necessarily be my best work. Practice is good.


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Simple nd cool game...

This is awesome, great game feel, ability to change with every roll, super cool!!!